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IFRC Training courses

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Updated 02 July 2021

IFRC Disaster Law has launched four new online trainings, available in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish.


The first two modules are 30-minute courses on disaster law entitled An Introduction to International Disaster Response Law and Introduction to Disaster Preparedness and Response Law.


The third module on Strengthening the Auxiliary Role through Law and Policy is a 30-minute course based on the Auxiliary Guide.


Finally, a fourth 90-minute module on advocacy is entitled Getting Ready for Red Cross and Red Crescent Advocacy.


Phoebe Rahn, Australian Red Cross volunteer, gave the disaster law courses a five-star rating, and had this to say about the course on International Disaster Response Law: “Great content presented in a really engaging and interactive way. The language used is easy to understand and provides a comprehensive introduction to International Disaster Response Law.”


How to register


These new courses are featured on the Training page of the IFRC Disaster Law website, they are free of charge and open to the public - just sign up with an IFRC Learning Platform account.

University Courses

Selected Disaster Law Courses:



Law and Disaster Risk Reduction (University of Canterbury - Tuihono UC | UC Online, New Zealand)
This short online course explores the role of law and its interaction with disaster management. Through 50 hours of online study, students learn how to use disaster law frameworks for disaster planning and disaster governance.


Courses as part of other degrees

Disaster Law, Emergency Preparedness and Response (Pace University, United States)


This course applies case studies (including Hurricane Harvey, Maria and Irma, wildfires in California, and 9/11 - to explore the United States framework for disaster response and recovery, the policy choices involved in reducing vulnerability, and the complexities of federalism in action. The course also includes global perspectives on disasters. 



Environmental Risk and Disaster Law (Australian National University, Australia)

Utilising interdisciplinary and regulatory theories, and comparative analysis of different regulatory contexts, this course will consider all aspects of the 'life cycle 'of environmental risk regulation. Commencing with identification of potential harms and the effective design of preventative and precautionary regulatory regimes, this will be followed by evaluation of the law relevant to administrative governance including adaptation to conditions of change and climate variability, and finally recovery and restoration of the environment following governance failures and natural disasters (including potential legal remedies).


Disaster Law and Climate Adaption (The University of Melbourne, Australia)​

This subject covers the multi-scalar legal response to disasters involving international treaties and soft-law instruments, national and regional regulation, and private law (torts and contract), and encompassing climate change adaptation, emergency management, environmental liability, insurance and human rights. It will examine approaches to prepare for, avoid or minimise disaster impacts, and to respond effectively and equitably post-event.



Master of Disaster Management Programme (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

The Master of Disaster Management aims to provide government, international, and civil society organisations with professionals equipped with a solid interdisciplinary knowledge base and skills that can meet the increasing demands and expectations from those who work in the humanitarian field.


Master of Disaster Risk and Resilience (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)


This Master's degree is designed to provide an introduction to the rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field of disaster risk reduction. It has a strong focus on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. 



Master of Emergency Management (Massey University, New Zealand)


Focuses on different elements of emergency management issues in order to understand how to organise communities to respond to hazards and disasters. Taught in association with academics and researchers at the NZ Joint Centre for Disaster Research. 



Master of Disaster Management (University of Auckland, New Zealand)


This course focuses on disaster resilience and risk reduction, largely from a science and engineering perspective. However, there is an element of environmental law that is also taught.


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