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Past Conferences

IDEAL: International Disaster, Emergency and Law Network. The IDEAL Network presents its first global online conference: "Law in a time of Covid: Regional Perspectives on the role of law in a global pandemic". Experts from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Pacific share their insights concerning regional experiences with Covid and their implications for disaster law. Friday 17th September 2021.
Thank you! We would like to thank all of our organisers, speakers and participants from our recent conference. We were blown away by all of your commitment and engagement. The presentations were recorded and should be available shortly. Also a huge thank you to Professor Kirsten Bookmiller (Millersville University) and Professor John Hopkins (University of Canterbury) for all of their hard work. We would also like to say thank you to our sponsors pictured below, without whom this event would not have been possible.


Our aim was to make sure that the conference was accessible to as many people as possible – regardless of location and time zone!


We had 4 different sessions:

Session 1: Asia-Pacific

Session 2: Europe

Session 3: Africa

Session 4: Americas


Our 'follow the sun' conference started in New Zealand at 19:00 NZST and concluded in Washington at 13:30 DC Time.


Registration for our conference is now closed.


If you have any questions or queries, please email us at  or you can contact Professor Kirsten Bookmiller at 


Our first global conference was held on Friday 17th September 2021. This conference was held online and covered a range or regions and time zones.


We had great speakers who discussed thought-provoking topics and led to engaging group discussions. 


We would like to say a big thanks to all of our sponsors!

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Jean Monnet Project: Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
EU logo.
LEAD: Institute of Law, Emergencies and Disasters
UC University of Canterbury: Law|Ture



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Session 2: EUROPE

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Session 3: AFRICA

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Session 4: AMERICAS

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