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IDEAL hosts a variety of disaster law research projects and publications from around the world.


Our hope is to make it as simple and efficient as possible to find academic content and other disaster law sources by making a wide range readily available here.


Disaster Law Texts


Disaster Risk Reduction


Disaster Law Journals




IFRC Global Disaster Law Project

Disaster Risk Reduction


Sendai Five Years On: Reflections on the Role of International Law in the Creation and Reduction of Disaster Risk

Marie Aronsson-Storrier, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2020.


The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law 

Katja L. H. Samuel, Marie Aronsson-Storrier and Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller, Cambridge University Press, 2019.


Beyond Early Warning Systems: Querying the Relationship Between International Law and Disaster Risk (Reduction) 

Marie Aronsson-Storrier, 1 Yearbook of International Law 51, 2019.


Disaster Risk Reduction: An International Law Perspective 

Giulio Barolini and Tommaso Naoli, Questions of International Law (Zoom In), 2018.


The Relationship Between Human Rights and Disaster Risk Reduction Revisited: Bringing the Legal Perspective into the Discussion 

Karen da Costa and Paulina Pospieszna, 6 Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 64, 2015.


Law and Management of Disasters: The Challenge of Resilience 

Alexia Herwig and Marta Simoncini (eds), Routledge, 2016.


The Role of International Environmental Law in Disaster Risk Reduction 

Jacqueline Peel and David Fisher (eds), Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2016.


Governance in the Sendai: A Way Ahead? 

Emmanuel Raju and Karen da Costa, 27(3) Disaster Prevention and Management 278, 2018.



Disaster Law



Global Disaster Law Project

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.



Academic Journals


Disaster Prevention and Management

A peer-reviewed journal that advances available knowledge in the fields of disaster prevention and management. It integrates extant methodologies and activities related to disaster emergency and crisis management.



A peer-reviewed quarterly journal reporting on all aspects of disaster studies, policy and management.


International Journal of Crisis Response and Management

An academically-rigorous outlet for research into crisis prevention, handling, and assessment situations that include natural disasters, technological crises, and man-made disasters.


International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 

Multi-disciplinary research aiming to reduce the impact of disasters.


International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management

Multi-disciplinary research relating to knowledge and studies around all aspects of disaster and emergency events.


Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies

A peer-reviewed journal aiming to promote the rule of law in emergency humanitarian situations.


Yearbook of International Disaster Law 

A hub for critical debate on the emerging area of disaster law research and policy.




Click here to view global and region-specific COVID-19 research repositories.

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